Friday, January 28, 2011

January - Twenty

January 20. Its the day before the Big Day Out so I've come to my mothers to drop the boys for the night, Cole and I are outside on the lawn, hes playing with a large stick, and my mum has just rescued a goldfinch from a hawk. Its the calm before the rains.

January - Nineteen

January 19. Seb cooked dinner, tuna pasta. This requires music and dancing to make it taste as good as it does, its Sebs signature dish, thank god we all like eating it.

January - Eighteen

January 18. Coles friend Peter James came to play and thus to clean up as well.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January - Fourteen

January 14. I went to see Neil my chiropractor, he's been helping me rectify a bad neck for the past month. As I left the office I saw these beautiful yellow Hibiscus flowers and took photos. When I got home I zoomed in by accident and couldn't beleive the detail in the stamen. Sometimes its the tiny things that are the most beautiful.

January - Thirteen

January 13. For two days I have sat in the lounge, sorting through piles and piles of lego, trying to make some sense of it all. The children have more toys and clothes than you can poke a stick at and so I have been spring cleaning their bedrooms.

January - Eleven

 January 11. Its my mothers birthday, shes 57. I invited her for dinner, and my nana came as well, and provided the excellent dessert selection - chocolate pear tart, and choco cherry gateau cake. All of it tasted like yum.

January - Ten

January 10. Mother Cat is the beginning point of most of our animals, and while we've had a few namely Milo and George (RIP) she continues to rock on. I love watching her with the kittens, her grandbabies, she is loving to them and croons to them the way you imagine a grandma cat should.

January - Nine

January 9. Kobi had a new friend over to play, Alex is Bolivian and a very nice boy, so we went to the park to try out Kobi's kite. The boys went to their grandmas for the night so Seb and I went to Mission Bay for fish and chips on the beach, something like a 'date'.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January - Eight

January 8. After many an invitation I was never able to honour, I finally got to go to the birthday bbq of my friend Paul, seen here demonstrating 'drug eye' with his friends Kiri (left) and Melanie (right). We all went to high school together, but Pauls brother Alex and I were peers, and these guys were the kids of '93. An interesting evening spent listening to a new set of old memories.

January - Seven

January 7. Seb is working midnights, Im home alone with my thoughts, my laptop, and the kittens. Its a gamble to let them anywhere near the bed because they keep thinking its a toilet. The nights are hot, this January has been unusually warm.

January - Six

January 6. I spent the entire day in my pyjamas, folding the washing and hanging out with some Navi. Holidays are afterall about spending alot of time, doing very little.

January - Five

January 5 - Coming home after a week away from the kittens we spent some time in the garden. Their mother Lulu tried her best to lure them into Agnes' garden next door, but they couldn't figure out how to get through the fence. Being indoors all the time, the garden is full of smells and wonder and they went abit nutty.

January - Four

January 4 - Home again with my family, Matty comes over for a bbq, our first for the summer.

January - Three

Just after I took this photo, the sunscreen in my bag leaked onto my camera. In an effort to clean it up I opened the door where the batteries are stored and one fell out, lost in the sand. I couldn't take any pictures till I got back to Auckland. On this day I drove back with Kat and the kids, ending our time in the sunny Coromandel.

January - Two

We experienced the hordes on the beach at Hot Water, and the strange flow of thermal water burning our feet before the cold sea rolled over them again. Cathedral Cove and Telfer childhood memories of Hahei, icecream and fish and chips at the shop.

Monday, January 17, 2011

January - One

New Chums.
First day of the year, Im burnt, and Im with the Telfers. Its a hike through a stream and across the rocks, its a hike through the bush along a winding path, up a hill and down again to a white sand beach and beauty.